1 Click or 2 Clicks — Which Works for You?

We work with Kyocera copier dealers and actually like their products, but they are not always the best for everyone.  If you are an engineering company or an architechure firm, Kyocera copiers may not be the best for you.  Why?  Because a Tabloid sheet will count as “2 Clicks” instead of “1 Click”… Our Xerox product line would take the same form and only count it as “1 Click.”  So, if the majority of your prints are Tabloid (or 11 X 17) then you may want to a consider Xerox copier as an alternative.  If you are doing primarily Letter/Legal and occasionally do Tabloid, Kyocera copiers will be better because of Kyocera’s low cost of printing.

Ultimately, what you need to consider is the savings you will get on the 8.5 X 11 prints and see if that will make up for the 11 X 17 prints.  If it does, Kyocera copiers will work great, if it does not, Xerox copiers may be a better alternative for you.