A Year After Corona – Copiers

If you are reading this and own a small business, congratulations! This has been a pretty crazy year for all of us, but for those who have survived all of the challenges, the PPP and dealing with the social distancing, the Zoom calls and the rest of the disturbance in the market, this year has been a deep challenge for us to embrace and get through.
You may be auditing some of your costs, now that we are deep into tax season, and looking at that old copier lease which was used 4 or 5 times more when everyone was at the office, and you are beginning to wonder why in the world you are paying so much for a copier that is used a lot less than it was when you originally leased it.
We look at the environment you are in, not the one you were in, when we make suggestions. We ask about future plans. Why buy a mini van after the 3 kids have already left the house, maybe then it is time for that fun sports car.
We have new and used copiers here in the Denver market and can work with people across the entire front range. You may have an older Ricoh, Canon, Kyocera, Sharp or Toshiba copier. Whatever you have, we can help you get a quality Xerox copier to upgrade your office, and hopefully, reduce your costs. If you are growing, you may need an upgrade rather than using a throw away Brother copier you got at the big box store.
We are here to help and would appreciate the chance to earn your copier business. Please give us a buzz when you have the opportunity to discuss your needs and what you would like in your next copier.