Better than a Fax Machine?

Save Money on Faxing!

Save Money on Faxing!

I am not selling anything today, just trying to offer a money saving tip for valued clients.

I just figured that I would send a quick Email as I have chatted with clients who pay for an additional fax line (like $40 a month) when there are services that makes getting faxes easier (right in your Email) and without the long term committment.

There are services like Smart Fax or Hosted Numbers where you don’t have to buy a fax card or machine and can save up to $30 per month X how many fax lines you have. The faxes go to your Email. The more faxes you have, the more savings. They are also stored in an online dashboard so you can pull them remotely.

Just a quick money saving tip. Feel free to holler if this is something you need help with, otherwise, just wanted to reach out and remind you there can often be creative ways to save money without buying something new. Of course it is good to test the quality of such services to make sure they will work for you before you cancel your fax line.

(Another tip is these online services can take over your existing fax number on your behalf so you don’t even have to change anything for your customers – it cost me about $50 to do this with HostedNumbers on a single line, multiple lines I am sure could be done cheaper – I imagine SmartFax can do something similar. There are tons of these companies. I just listed a couple we have had good luck with….)

Happy 4th of July!