Budgeting for a Copier

A copier is a major investment that requires careful consideration. The first step in the process is to conduct an in-house audit to determine your copier requirements. This includes the number and type of copies, such as letter or legal size and color as well as standard black and white. Evaluate the need for collating, duplex printing, stapling and other special functions. Some Denver area companies use copiers to print and fax documents. A copier can interface with your computer network, which enables you to use one device to support multiple locations. These capabilities can reduce your overall technology expenses by eliminating the requirement to acquire and maintain other equipment.

The final step is to formulate a realistic budget, which includes the cost of acquiring and maintaining the machine as well as purchasing consumables like paper and toner. A tax professional can explain the implications of purchasing a copy machine versus leasing the equipment.

After you determine your copy utilization and budget, contact our office. We can help you evaluate copy machines that meet your specifications.