Canon Copier’s Data Security

Some Copiers Data Security Seems to Be a Gamble!

I was working with a client who had an ImageRunner 5050 from Canon.  I was just hired to help clear off their hard drive due to Data Security concerns they had about parts of images and addresses remaining in a copier they were sending back to the leasing company.  With the Canon copier line, surprisingly to me, they we extraordinarily simple to wipe the hard drive compared to other copier manufacturer’s process.

The whole procedure to do a couple of times took about an hour and a half and is a good idea to run before sending a copier back on a lease return.  We actually do help clear hard drives as a value add service (free for folks who buy a copier from us, $199 for folks who have a desire to have it done, but don’t necessarily want to purchase another copier in Denver.

Canon does have some pretty cool security features, and since we don’t really sell Canon, this was good for me to see.  If you have questions about copiers and data security, please feel free to give us a call!