Colorqube Copier Sales in Denver

Xerox Colorqube Sales in Denver, CO!

If you do alot of color copying, you may have heard of the Xerox Colorqube line of products.  The Xerox Colorqube 9201, the Xerox Colorqube 9202, and the Xerox Colorqube 9203.  These copiers start around $20,000 (or less than $500 a month for a typical copier lease) and the benefit is that color is much cheaper than traditional copiers.

There is a 3 tiered billing system where you get charged less than $.03 for a color sheet when it is calculated to be “useful” color…  meaning that if you have your logo and a small photo on the print, you wind up paying a cost much closer to a traditional black and white copy.

Don’t be fooled by the low cost per print.  This copier is not for everyone.  You need to have the print volume to support the cost of buying the Xerox Colorqube in the first place.  How can you decide?  The easiest method is to take the differential in color cost per print between the Colorqube and whatever other copier you are looking at and use that number to divide into the differential in copier equipment costs and that will give you your “breakeven point.” 

For example

Xerox Colorqube 9202 – $23,000

Other Copier — $8,500

Color Cost per print

Xerox Colorqube — $.05 (full color) 20% of copies, $.03 for “useful color” 80% — Average = $.034

Other Copier — $.065 

Differential — $.031

Breakeven = $14,500/$.031 = 467,741 color prints or copies (7,795 per month)

If you use this method when buying a color copier in Denver, you will always make sure you are getting the one with the lowest total cost of ownership.  If you were only doing 3,090 color copies a month, we’d recommend the $8,500 copier instead in this example.  Give us a call if you are looking for a Colorqube copier in Denver