Copier Security

The FTC has established standards for information security with which business must reasonably comply based on the nature and size of the organization as well as the type of information involved and potential risks that it faces. If you receive confidential consumer or employee data, you may be required to follow the Disposal Rule when it comes time to discard your copier.

This includes securing any data contained on the machine’s hard drive. It may be possible to remove the hard drive. In this instance, you can retain the drive or dispose of it yourself. In other cases, it may not be possible to remove the hard drive as it contains firmware required to operate the copier. Failure to replace the firmware may make the copier inoperative. While this may not cause a problem if the copier is being disposed of, you may not be able to return a leased machine in that condition.

Copier hard drives are not readily available. Consult with the manufacturer or your Denver copier dealer for the best methods to secure any information on an imbedded hard drive.