Copiers for Political Campaigns in Denver

Copiers for Political Campaigns...
I have been getting calls lately from political campaigns who are wanting a short term copier rental to get through the next 6 or so months before the elections. It is logical to look at used copiers in Denver, or short term copier rentals, but for most of these campaigns the most sensible strategy is to purchase a smaller unit.
Let's look at the whys here. If a copier company rents a copier with 2,000 black and white prints a month for $149 a month, or even as low as $99, the purchase option is more logical. If you have a campaign that needs the copier for 7 months, you are looking at approximately $1,050 over the course of the campaign. Then there will likely be $100 set up and $100 de-installation charges. You are looking at $1,250 total for the 6 months.
With a smaller device like the Lexmark X364de or the Xerox Phaser 3300MFP black and white copier currently going for less than $600. These come with 1 year on-site warranties, so you won't have repair costs and at the end of the campaign, you can resell the copier with little use on it or just keep the copier. They are small which can let you have a copier when you do remote events in Denver to try and get more support. They are easy to use. Ultimately, it is cheaper because at 2,000 pages on the Xerox you're looking at $599 (there is a rebate available currently) $599 + $170 for 1 cartridge to get you to 12,000 pages or +$340 to get you to 20,000 pages. So, worst case is $940 for 3,300 pages a month instead of $1,250 for 2,000 pages a month.
Please give us a call if you need a small copier here in Denver or a short term copier rental!