Denver Copier Sales – What a Buyer Should Know…


If you are a copier buying looking to get that new piece of office equipment, there are some things for you to know so the new copier doesn’t become a source of headaches for years.

The first thing you need to think about is what is the right copier, and that is usually decided by looking at some needed features as well as your monthly print/copy volumes.  For example, if you need to do 11 X 17 and only do 300 copies per month and want laser, you will spend a lot on that feature (approx $2,500).  If you only did letter and legal, you could use a $400 copier and be happy with it for years.

If you need stapling, this in another expensive add-on.  Expect that feature to run about $1,000 to $1,500.  If you only use it once a week, maybe having a stapler by the copier makes more sense!

We find that people often want to buy their next copier based off what their last copier did.  The issue with this is that if your rep sold you a machine that is too much or too little, rather than one that was “just right” — you are just repeating the same mistake.

Buying a copier is a hassle for most people, we do our best to ask questions in English rather than copier lingo to find our exactly what you need.  We hope if you are seeking to find a Denver copier sales rep, you will give us a call!