Document Management – Capture

How to Save Documents

If you are in Denver and have been considering document management, one of the first questions you will need to ask is how are the documents captured into the system?  If you are using a copier to scan these documents, is the copier compatible with the document management system you are trying to tie into?  Most copier manufacturers have a document managment system that they sell.  Some examples are Scan Flow Store by Xerox, KyoCapture by Kyocera, DocMP by Lexmark, NetDocuments by HP, DocumentMall by Ricoh, etc…  the one thing these systems have in common is that they are not super easy to get integrated into your company. 

A good document management system will allow you to capture, index, store and retrieve in a simple manner.  It shouldn’t matter what copier or what scanner you are using on the capture element.  If you have to use a specific manufacturers copiers to do document management, then you might be looking at the wrong platform in the first place. 

Give us a call so you can see how you can get a great document management system installed using the equipment you already own!