Don’t Bury Your Head in the Sand About Your Copier Purchase in Denver
August 1, 2009//Comments Off on Don’t Bury Your Head in the Sand About Your Copier Purchase in Denver

Don't Have Your Head in the Sand for a Copier Purchase?
Most people are concerned with offending their copier rep by getting a competitive quote. Instead of asking some tough questions, they don’t have the time to really look at quotes and see exactly what they are getting charged for. If you are in the market for a copier, here are some things to ask your copier rep.
- Does this copier create ozone? Most will in relatively small amounts, there are a few “green models” that don’t.
- What happens if I do full color copies all the time?
- Is installation included? How much is being added to my quote for this service?
- How many PM calls are expected given my workload?
Thes questions will start opening some doors for your Denver Copier purchase. If you have other questions about purchasing a copier in Denver, give us a call!