Expect Lewan to Sell Fewer Sharp Copiers

If you work with Lewan here in Denver, you will probably start noticing a decline in the amount of Sharp copiers they are pushing.  One of the major reasons is that Sharp could be facing some serious financial difficulties and an organization the size of Lewan isn’t going to sell Sharp copiers to as many people when they could become a service nightmare.

Another reason for them not to sell as many Sharp copiers is the fact Lewan is owned by Xerox.  It is expected that an organization owned by a competitor of Sharp will start migrating customers to Xerox when they can.

Sharp is going to start being a sword of Damocles for both Lewan and All Copy here in Denver.  At Pahoda, we also sell Xerox copiers as well as some Lexmark and Ricoh.  If you need a quote on a copier here in Denver and you dont want to own a Sharp copier, please give us a call today!