Free Binding Machine in Denver

FREE binding machine

FREE binding machine

Does your business, political group or church need to make a bunch of bound books you want to be able to print on demand?  In the past you had to get those comb bound systems, which work, but are kind of a hassle to use.  Now, we have an offer you can’t refuse.  Get a FREE Unibind binding machine when you purchase $495 worth of supply items (covers).  No long term commitment.  Make awesome presentations you can give you client at extremely reasonable prices!

So you could use it for a variety of items.  For example employee manuals, patient books, tax records, financial statements, board reports, cookbooks, the list is basically endless!

We are not asking much, you buy the supplies from the manufacturer, this is our FREE gift to you!  We are trying to aggressively grow and have been looking for the perfect thing to offer our clients and potential clients.

Have questions or want to see a sample, give us a buzz asap before the deal goes away!


