How the Japanese Earthquake Affects Copier Sales in Denver, CO

Japanese Tsunami Affects Denver


I am sure that everyone is aware that a Tsunami hit Japan, we all we awe stuck as we saw the images of the destruction and chaos.  As you can imagine, any cataclysmic event that strikes the heart of one of the top 5 world economies will certainly have an effect world wide.  We are seeing the effects here in Denver as there is back orders on copiers who have manufacturing headquarters or operational headquarters in Japan.

So, which of the great copier companies are affected the most by the Tsunami?  Here are some of the major copier companies and their headquarters:

  • Xerox – Rochester, NY and Wilsonville, OR.
  • HP – Palo Alto, CA
  • Kyocera Mita — Osaka, Japan
  • Canon — Toyko, Japan
  • Konica Minolta — Toyko, Japan
  • Lexmark — Lexington, KY
  • Toshiba — Toyko, Japan
  • Ricoh — Toyko, Japan

As you can see, many of the major copier manufacturers out there are Japanese.  Now, this affects lead time for everyone.  First, the major Japanese copier companies will be affected and as they are unable to fulfill demand, the American manufacturers will see a run on their inventory.  If you are buying a copier with a Japanese manufacturer and your copier dealer does not have the copier in stock, there should be a concern about getting the copier in a timely manner.  Some people are also concerned about the radiation from the nuclear plant that was in danger, but we don’t see that as a major concern at this point.  We sell Xerox and Lexmark as our primary two brands as we try and support American manufacturers of copiers.

Please give us a call if you would like a copier quote in Denver!