HP Laserjet CM6030/ CM6040 — Product Review

With speeds as fast as 40 pages per minute the HP Laserjet CM6030 / CM6040 is a copier series worth keeping an eye on.  At this time, it appears that the cost per print is a tad high on this device, but the image quality and reliability seem to be good.  Of course for the HP only office, this device will add both tabloid capability and color capability to an already robust line of products by HP.

When the market leader begins to introduce products into new markets, there are 2 concerns.  1) The reliability of the product itself.  I would not be concerned with HP on this point because the HP Laserjet 5500, HP Laserjet 5550 and HP Laserjet 9500 have all been rock solid in terms of printing for color tabloid capable printers…  all HP is doing is adding a scanner to an already sucessful printer line.  Pretty straight forward when you have HP's engineering budget. 2) The other concern is for the competitors.  Anytime HP, Apple, or Microsoft do something in the computing world, it is automatically relevant.  So, it will be interesting to see how product sales in this class go for HP.

Product rating — 4.5 stars out of 5 for performance

3 stars out of five for pricing.

For more information on the HP Laserjet CM6030 or HP Laserjet CM 6040, including spec sheets, please visit our sister site at or if you are in Denver or the Front Range of Colorado you can call the number above: