Kyocera 4050 / CopyStar 4050 — Product Review

The Kyocera 4050 Multi-function device is one of the best values in the A3 (Tabloid capable) market here in Denver.  The long life drum using the Ecosys technology (see post on Ecosys) make this a low cost, easy to maintain copier.

This copier moves along at 40 impressions a minute and we would have no problem at all selling this device to someone doing 50,000 impressions a month.  It is very rugged and easy to maintain (according to our technicians).

It's biggest weakness would be the interface still needs some work.  It is pretty good, but it needs to be a little friendlier.  It is imperative that you get professional set up as then the device will be extremely easy to use.  If you are looking for a rock solid, balck and white, tabloid capable copier which provides excellent copiers and options, you need to consider this particular unit.

Rating — 4.5 Stars out of five for A3 capable copiers.

3 Stars out of 5 of 5 if tabloid is not needed.

Please see this site for more detailed product information: