New Printer or Copier – Tough Call!

A Printer or a Copier?

If you are here in Denver and have been considering purchasing a color laser printer, there are some cases where a color copier might actually be a better deal.

Color laser printers seem to be a great fit when your print volume is relatively low (say, under 1,000 pages a month.)  Once the volume goes up, copiers become a better and better deal.

For example, we have a customer looking at a Xerox Phaser 7500 color printer and they are looking to do 2,000 color prints per month.  The Xerox website says that the printer costs about $.11 per print for color.  The problem is this is only 20% coverage.  20% coverage is roughly the amount of color on the page that you would see if you folded a standard 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper in half 3 times.  This means, that if the client chooses to purchase this printer, they could wind up paying $.66 per sheet for color or up to $1.28 per sheet for tabloid color (if the prints were full color).

Now, if they got a Xerox WorkCentre 7525, the color is about $.075 per print and it does not matter how much ink is on the page.  It is the same for tabloid printing.  So, if this customer is doing marketing, as this customer is, the difference in monthly supplies cost could be as large as $.075 X 2,000 = $150 for the WorkCentre 7525 to $1.28 X 2,000 = $2,560 for the Phaser 7500.  Of course this is a “worst case” scenario…  but the $4,000 difference is costs can often times be quickly recovered with the right supplies and service plan.

If you are looking for a color laser printer or a color copier in Denver, please give us a call right away!