Starting a new Copier Lease

Getting a copier lease can be a scary thing. If you have been through the process before then you know what I’m talking about. There are a lot of details to sort through and it’s not always obvious what the best copier solution will be for your business. That’s why we recommend getting help with our great staff at Denver Copier before starting a new copier lease.

New copier leases can be extremely difficult to manage on your own. Many people find that they are overpaying, have a bad contract, or don’t have the features that they need after having their contract for a while. We want to help you avoid these pitfalls when starting a new copier lease with Denver Copier.

We can help you with the smaller details, but we think that it’s always good to have an idea of what you think that you need. There is always a lot to consider, but here are some questions to get your starting thinking about what’s important in your new copier lease.


  • What kind of machine do I need for my business?
  • What is a realistic price range?
  • How much space do I have for this machine?
  • What lease length do I want?
  • What features does my business need?
  • What kind of growth do I expect to see?
  • How will my needs change as my business changes?


You want to be realistic when answering these questions. Don’t get something large and powerful unless it’s something that your business actually needs. Otherwise you will be overpaying for something that you aren’t using.

Starting a new copier lease with the help of Denver Copier is always a good way to go. Our great team will help you find the perfect lease for your business needs.