Used Copier for Sale in Denver

As many people are having their copier lease in Denver hit the end of its term, they are trying to decide whether to spend a bunch of money on a new copier or if buying a used copier to get a few years would make more sense.  This decision can be tough because there are definately pluses and minuses to both, but if you have concluded that a used copier in Denver would make more sense than a new copier in Denver, you might want to take a look at our Copystar 3035 Black and White Copier.  You can have the scanning added to the print, copy and fax functions that are already in this used copier in Denver.

We are selling this copier currently for $1,895 (plus $150 for delivery/installation).  If you are in the market for a used copier in Denver, please give us a call today!