What is the Best Copier to Lease?

If you are looking to lease a copier, you may be wondering what the best copier is for your business. We will go over some basics for a copier lease so you can get a copier that will serve your business well for years to come. We have worked with many of the copiers in the market and have some thoughts on which are generally better and worse.

One thing to consider is your budget, your needs, the service plan, and the specifications of the copier you are looking at.

Let’s talk about what copier is best for your company here in Denver. Generally the brand will not matter nearly as much as the budget, supplies plan, and specs.


The first thing to consider is probably going to be your budget. There is a range you can expect when leasing a copier. The cheaper copiers will normally be about $60 per month and a nicer copier will normally run between $150 and $250. On top of this, you will also have the supplies and service agreement to consider.

Supplies and Service

When you have your copier contract, there will generally be a supplies and service agreement attached. One thing to know, is that on the cheaper side you will normally see black and white under a penny per page and color under 6 cents a page. On the more expensive, expect about 2 cents and 12 cents.

Where this can get interesting is when you consider your print volumes. If you print 5000 pages in color per month, this one difference is the difference in $300 vs $600 per month for supplies and service.


The specs matter, especially if there is a business use case that needs to be met. For example, if you are going to print a lot of flyers on thick paper, the paper thinkness will matter as well as the print resolution specs. If you scan a ton, the ADF feeder side or scan resolution may matter more for you.

Depending on how you plan to use the copier, different specs matter. Maybe you need 11 x 17. Maybe you need stapling. Maybe you need 4 trays.

If you are looking for a copier in Denver, we would love to help you out. We sell Xerox and Canon Copiers and will help you find the best copier for your business based on specs, costs, and service plans. Reach out to learn more about how we can help!