What to do if Your Copier Rep Quits/Gets Laid Off…

What to do when your copier rep is laid off...

What to do when your copier rep is laid off...

Your copier rep in Denver has just been laid off or they are quitting for greener pastures elsewhere.  This is always a frustrating time because in general people don’t like copier reps really well so when you find a good one, it really stinks to lose them.  If your copier rep in Denver has been laid off or has quit, there are a few things you need to do before it is too late!

First of all, in any business relationship, there are always unspoken modes of operation.  Maybe your copier rep knows you won’t pay for shipping, so they take care of this detail for you.  Maybe you need to have everything in a formal PO, maybe you overpaid on something, so they have been giving you cheaper toner.  Whatever arrangements you have made, it is wise to get these into writing (It is wise to do even if they are not quitting!).

I know it feels awkward to ask your rep to send an E mail outlining these procedures.  If you don’t it is unlikely the copier company will honor these special arrangements.  You will get frustrated and probably find a new copier company “because they don’t do things right.”

If you are looking for a new copier company in Denver, please give us a call.  We will do everything we can to give you a good copier buying experience!