Which Color Xerox to Buy?

Transcript on Buying a Color Copier:

One of the most common questions we get is basically how do you know that the right copier to buy is? I hope you don’t mind the background music by the way. Anyhow, we find that a lot of people are either one, looking for the lowest initial cost, or two, lowest long term cost, or three, they just basically don’t want to deal with their copier and want to work with whoever they’ve been working with for years. It tends to be kind of the way this stuff goes.

So if you look in here – let’s say somebody was looking for a color copier. There are a lot of choices. That’s kind of where it could get confusing. So you have one, two, three, four, five, six seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, basically fourteen families. On here, you have one, two, three different models. Here, you have three different models. Here, you have four different models. Here, you have five different models. It can get pretty overwhelming. There’s probably a good 75 different versions of copiers on this page alone.

So what ends up happening is generally, the customer will define kind of what matters to them, whether it’s this low initial cost, like the 449 here, or they may say, you know what, we don’t want the lowest initial cost. We’re willing to pay a lot higher price, then get a lower cost brand. So what we’d like to do is basically have a couple things that we look at first. The first one is, is the copier that you’re looking to buy – does it need to be a letter legal like these right here, or does it need to be tabloid, which is the 11” x 17” paper as you can see?

The 7125 would be kind of the bottom of the barrel there, which is still a really good copier actually. The 7220, 7225 replaces a WorkCentre-7120 and the WorkCentre-7125. The 7500 series, the 7800 series of copiers, these are great for busy offices, a lot more quality and a lot thicker paper, just a lot more robust kind of deal. I love the 7800 series actually, especially that 7835, 7845, that’s just a really solid copier. Of course, it’s like 10 grand ($10,000 or se. They get to be a little bit more, so they can get pretty daunting if you’re only doing 500 or a 1,000 pages a month and don’t need Tabloid brand.

The color gives another big one. This one obviously is 22 grand ($22,000). We usually can help customers get a little bit lower than that. Then, your color cost is super-cheap because spot color, which is about the size of your thumb is counted as black and white. It’s not counted as regular color. Then, here’s some more professional multi-functions. These are really kind of expensive, usually more than anybody wants to spend kind of copiers, but there certainly are some people, who would want to look at these too.

So the big trick, like I said, is kind of getting an idea of how many pages a month you are printing and then how much money you have up front. And from that, we can usually help you find that perfect copier. Even like this, these two are very, very similar, 6505 and 6605. This one [inaudible 00:03:47]. This one’s 550, so what’s the big difference? The main differences here are the 36 pages per minute speed versus the 24. The 6605 is a little bit more robust. It’s a little bit more solid and lots of customers are just happy with it.

So that’s probably the biggest major differences. Then the toner is cheaper per print on the 6605 than it is on the 6505, so if you’re looking for long term, overall cost, then you would definitely want to look at the WorkCentre-6605 instead of the WorkCentre-6505. The numbers can get kind of confusing too. The 6400 is probably my least favorite Xerox copier right now. For whatever reason, I’ve just had terrible luck with that copier with different clients. It seems like it’s going to work great, but then – I don’t know. It seems like it’s always something

Then the 8900 I love. That’s a great copier. It’s the same as the Color Cube 8700, which you can see right here. There’s a picture of the 8700 and then the Color Cube 8900 is right here. They’re both 44 pages a minute as you can see. They both have a maximum 3475. Technically, they’re really the same exact printer, except that the 8700 is more expensive with supplies, and the 8900 is cheaper in the box. It is ironic that they have a different rating with a pretty good number because they are the same exact copier.

Anyway, if you are looking at any of these Xerox copiers, and would like to get more information on how to purchase one, or what you can do to have the best technology for your office, please give us a call and we’d be happy to help you out. We ca actually ship anywhere in the United States, so if you’re in Denver, that’s great. If you’re somewhere else … we can help with that too!