Xerox ColorQube is Finally Here!

Xerox ColorQube 9201, 9202 & 9203

Xerox ColorQube 9201, 9202 & 9203

You may have heard about the Xerox ColorQube 9201, the Xerox ColorQube 9202 and Xerox ColorQube 9203, this copier in Denver is a beast.  First of all, most Denver customers are not aware this color copier is over $20,000 for the box.  The ColorQube 9203 claims that it goes “up to” 85 pages per minute, but the specs also says that it prints at 50 pages per minute.  What’s the deal with this?  Basically, it is just saying that if resolution doesn’t matter for a specific job, this is the top speed.  50 pages per minute is a better rating.  It is interesting, the wax technology is quite different than traditional toner models out there.  First of all, you can add more wax while you are printing and copying.  It is pretty easy to put the wax in the copier.  I took a picture on my phone with a wax block in my hand which you can see here…

Magenta ColorQube Wax

Magenta ColorQube Wax

The interesting thing about all of the wax based printers is that you have a non-toxic supply and the petroleum needed to produce the supplies are much lower than the traditional copier companies toner production needs.

Of course the biggest appeal to the Xerox ColorQube 9201, ColorQube 9202 and ColorQube 9203 is that you can get some color for less than 2 cents a page.  Xerox has broken down their cost per prints into 3 color catagories.  These are called Black plus useful color, Everyday Color and Expressive Color.  Even expressive color is in the 5 to 6 cents a page range…

If you have been hearing about the Xerox ColorQube series in Denver and would like to speak to someone who does not get paid by Xerox about this copier, please give us a call and we will be happy to help you understand the costs, the technology or just answer general questions you may have about the Xerox ColorQube copier!