Xerox Ink Issues

We have had some issues lately with the Xerox Colorqube 8700 and Xerox Colorqube 8900 series where the clients have used the Xerox metered ink provided by Xerox, and for some reason they the door where the ink is inserted won’t close.

Generally, we have to try the following steps

  • Make sure the copiers or printers are in scope with the software
  • Make sure the ink is the correct ink for the copier
  • Make sure the PIN has been entered if it is a copier under the cost per print plan.

The crazy part is lately it seems there are some customers who have tried all this and yet they still have the same issue.  Generally with this, it has looked like this:

  • Dispatch the technician
  • He pulls apart the machine, looking for clues
  • Redoes firmware
  • Orders other parts
  • Replaces parts
  • Gets it working – UNTIL the colors have to be added again.

This has been a crazy issue and we keep hoping to find a longer solution, because the issue is not with all the clients, maybe 10%.  Hopefully we will figure it out with Xerox and then we will let you know.