Xerox’s Scan Flow Store Solution and Your Copier in Denver!

Free Yourself from Filing Cabinets!
Have you been thinking about implementing a share point solution in your small office so that you can share files? If you’ve been trying to consider how to scan all of your office documents so that document retrieval would be quite a bit simpler, you should consider a Xerox Scan Flow Store software implementation. The software package will make your life a lot easier because instead of having to manually search through filing cabinets, you will simply be able to search for terms or particular details within a document instead of having to know exactly where was placed. The scanning system can work wonderfully for an Atty. who’s extremely busy and needs to find every file attached to a particular client. The nice part about the Xerox solution is that it integrates the hardware and software so that you know it will work. If you want your copier in Denver to be smarter and not just really expensive, you should give us a call.